
女孩示意停下来bbin信誉网站 promptly and thoroughly investigates and resolves complaints alleging sex discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence. 报告 may be filed by directly contacting confidential or non-confidential resources or by completing and submitting the complaint report to the 副总统 for Instruction and Student Services.

bbin信誉网站 Sexual Misconduct Policy (PDF)

bbin信誉网站 strictly prohibits any acts of sexual misconduct (including sexual violence and/or harassment) to any member of the student body, 教师, 工作人员, administration or visitors to campus.

bbin信誉网站 will maintain confidentiality as long as it does not interfere with the college’s legal obligation or ability to investigate allegations of misconduct.

  • Sexual misconduct violations can be reported confidentially to college counselors.
  • Other college employees are mandatory reporters, which means they 必须 report alleged sexual misconduct.

BHC 校园警察 24-Hour Emergency
这些城市的校园 (Building 3, Room 315)
东校区 (1号楼100室)
Off-campus emergency – Dial 911

BHC Title IX District Coordinator
Jana Koch, Director of Student Life & 订婚

Confidential resources will not disclose information about incidents of sexual misconduct to anyone – including law enforcement or the college – except in very limited situations, such as when failure to disclose the information would result in imminent danger to the individual or to others.


SafePath Survivor 资源 of Family 资源
24-hour crisis line 309-797-1777

Concerned about a possible violation and are uncomfortable raising it through normal channels? Use the anonymous reporting line, bbin信誉网站’s anonymous reporting service. Information will be relayed to the appropriate college official to investigate your concern. Knowingly making false reports can lead to discipline.


A student who has a complaint should work with the individual who the complaint is against. If that person is not available or the student is uncomfortable working with that individual, the student should discuss the complaint with a BHC employee who can direct the student to the proper individual. The student may also contact a Director, 迪安, 副总统, Executive Director or the Title IX Coordinator for assistance. A student wishing to file a complaint without speaking to a person may do so by completing the bbin信誉网站 website contact form. If the specific concern has not been resolved in an expeditious and fair manner at BHC, 学生可以 file a complaint with the Illinois Community College Board or out-of-state online students may also file a complaint in the state which he or she resides.


No person in the United States shall, 以性别为基础, be excluded from participation in, 被剥夺…的利益, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Legal Citation: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. 第106部分(第九条). Direct inquiries to the Title IX Coordinator, bbin信誉网站, 建筑1, 第一站中心, 34大道6600号, 风车式的, IL 61265. The Title IX coordinator can be contacted at 309-796-5006.

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Registration for Summer and Fall classes is now available.注册课程