- 309-796-5199 or counseling@dalian2000.net.
- Robert Young Center: 309-779-2031
- 24-hour Crisis Intervention: 309-779-2999
Physical Safety 紧急情况
- BHC Police Department: 309-796-5911
- 拨打911. If calling from an on-campus phone, dial 5911.
其他 紧急热线 是可用的.
咨询 Services
All counseling services are free to current BHC students. 安排 保密 appointment, please call, email or stop by our office on either campus.
During your first appointment, a professional counselor will:
- Help clarify your concerns
- Explore ongoing counseling needs
- Determine if additional services would be beneficial
We will help you whether your concerns are personal, educational or social. We assist you in exploring alternatives, 权衡后果,学习新的技能来帮助你处理和解决你所面临的问题. 你们在咨询过程中讨论的一切都将完全保密.
- 医学(24/7): 按需或按计划就医,他们可以治疗感冒和流感等多种常见疾病, 鼻窦炎, 过敏, 和更多的
- TalkNow (24/7): On-demand access to a mental health professional to talk about anything at anytime
- Scheduled 咨询: Scheduled appointments to meet with a licensed counselor (limit 6 per year)
- 精神病学: Scheduled appointments available through a campus counseling referral
- 免费的类: Yoga, meditation, and other wellness oriented sessions
- Additional counseling resources include: 紧急热线, 在线资源, veteran's counseling resources, mental health screenings, support groups and quit smoking support.
- 好处导航器 -使用本网站申请和管理您的医疗保健、食品和现金援助福利. Check to see if you're eligible for SNAP benefits (formally food stamps), TANF, 老年救助, 盲目的, and Disabled Cash; Illinois healthcare coverage - and apply for those benefits.
- 这些城市的校园 community resources -衣物需求; domestic violence programs, f好的节目,是吗?ealth care resources (pregnancy, medication assistance, testing, etc.), housing resources, job assistance, legal assistance, rent/utility assistance and transportation.
- 食品分发处
- 东校区 community resources -衣物需求; domestic violence programs, f好的节目,是吗?ealth care resources (pregnancy, medication assistance, testing, etc.), housing resources, job assistance, legal assistance, rent/utility assistance and transportation.
- 食品分发处
Be sure to keep an eye out for these special events hosted by BHC 咨询:
- Social Services Fair at each campus in the fall.
- Awareness month activities (lead by Peer Mentors).
- Monthly stress relief events:
- Pet therapy is provided by the Quad Cities Canine Assistance Network (QC CAN)
- Yoga classes: take a break from studying and stretch with us in a FREE yoga class.
- Art therapy: energize your brain! Drop in and create an art project - no experience or talent needed!
- Gray Matters BHC gatherings
学生俱乐部 & 组织
的 Gray Matters – Black Hawk Chapter
This student club's purpose is to educate, 建立社区, and bring mental health awareness to anyone and everyone who needs it. Most importantly, we are working to create a world without suicide. 我们希望让学生和其他人拥有成为心理健康倡导者的工具和知识,并在我们的世界中发挥真正的作用.
的 BHC Chapter is part of 的 Gray Matters Collective.
All enrolled BHC students are welcome to be a part of the club!
查看 心理咨询活动 list for dates and locations.
同伴指导 Program
What do Peer Mentors do?
的y seek to raise awareness, 就各种各样的心理健康问题向BHC的同学提供教育和资源.
How can they help YOU?
他们会提供支持,挑战你,同情你,并成为你的啦啦队长. Most importantly, they will listen!
To contact a peer mentor, email counseling@dalian2000.net.
Meet the Spring 2024 peer mentors!
问!! Are you or is anyone you care about suicidal? Here are some links that may help. 一如既往地, 你非常欢迎与BHC的咨询师讨论如何开始对话, how to help someone you think might be hurting, or how to help yourself!
的 National 预防自杀 Lifeline 每天24小时为有自杀危机或情绪困扰的人提供免费和保密的情感支持, 一周7天.
Call the National Suicide Hotline at 800-273-TALK. Or call or text 988 or chat 988年的生命线.org.
根据 校园饥饿, 50%的社区大学学生和47%的四年制大学学生报告食品不安全. Twenty-five percent and 20 percent (respectively) had very low food security.
即使你觉得自己有足够的食物,有时重新分配财政资源也会有所帮助. 请随意访问BHC食品储藏室,并将您为食物预留的钱用于不同的需要.
这些城市的校园 食品分发处: Hawk’s Cupboard
在秋季和春季学期,每个月的第一个和第三个星期三提供. Please pre-register so we know how many bags to pack. Pull up outside Building 4 from 11 a.m. 到1p.m. and we’ll put bags of food in your trunk or back seat. 在每次驾车活动之前,学校会通过电子邮件向每位学生发送带有日期和地图的提醒.
Spring 2024 QC drive-up dates:
- 1月. 24
- 2月. 7 & 21
- 3月6日 & 20
- 4月3日 & 17
Sign up for a Hawk's Cupboard drive-up date »
*Registration is available a week before each date until noon the Tuesday before.
东校区 食品分发处: 的 Kitchen
Building 1 (next to BHC’s EC Police Department)
在秋季和春季学期,每月的第二个和第四个星期三提供. Please pre-register so we know how many bags to pack. Pull up outside Building 1 from 11 a.m. 到1p.m. and we’ll put bags of food in your trunk or back seat.
Spring 2024 EC drive-up dates:
- 1月. 24
- 2月. 14 & 28
- 3月13日 & 27
- 4月10日 & 24
- 5月8日
Sign up for a 的 Kitchen drive-up date »
*Registration is available a week before each date until noon the Tuesday before.
Community Education Center 食品分发处 - Kewanee
电子邮件 counseling@dalian2000.net.
Want to make a donation?
Food and hygiene items can be dropped off at either campus' pantry at any time. You can also make a 现金捐赠 在线.
No, counseling can also assist with the following:
- Adjusting to new surroundings/circumstances or a new culture
- Building self-esteem
- Choosing a major or career path
- Coping with grief, loss and depression
- Learning new communication skills
- Learning stress management
- Overcoming math or speech anxiety
- Overcoming social anxiety
- Resolving a conflict with a teacher, friend or relative
It’s nice to know you’re not alone. 的se are some of students’ most common concerns that we can help with.
- Career development and decision-making
- Academic and educational planning
- Adjustment to college
- Stress and time management
- Study and test-taking skills
- 焦虑
- Improving relationships
- Child and family issues
- 家庭暴力
- 解决冲突
- 抑郁症
- Cultural/intercultural issues
- Alcohol and substance use
- 沟通 issues
- Eliminating self-defeating behaviors
- 悲伤和失落
- 性侵犯
- Concern for a friend
- Referrals to community resources
政策 & 形式
政策 & 形式
Your counseling information is 保密. 没有当事人的书面许可,有关谁正在接受咨询或其访问性质的任何信息都不会公布. Exceptions to this include subpoena, in cases of current child abuse, or if there is an expressed intent to harm one’s self or another. bbin信誉网站的辅导员遵守美国咨询协会的道德标准和实践, 亚历山大, VA.
Student Optional Disclosure
根据《bbin平台网站大全》(IGP 59).1), bbin信誉网站 is providing students the opportunity to authorize, 以书面形式, 将某些私人心理健康信息透露给他们选择的指定人员.
伊利诺伊州的《bbin信誉网站》为您提供了指定一名成年人的机会,如果您遇到精神健康紧急情况,使您或他人面临严重伤害或死亡的风险,您希望我们与该成年人联系. You are not required to designate a contact. 如果您想指定紧急心理健康联系人,请填写在线表格.
Student Mental Health Emergency 联系 Release Form »
该法规定,如果合格的审查员确定学生对自己构成明显的危险,高等教育机构可以披露心理健康信息, 自己或他人 to protect the student or other person against a clear, 本人或学生本人面临严重身体或精神伤害、疾病或死亡的迫在眉睫的危险, 她自己或别人. 的 qualified examiner shall, as soon as practicable, but in no more than 24 hours after making the determination under this section, 尝试联系指定的人,并通知指定的人,合格的考官已经确定,学生提出了一个明确的, imminent danger to himself, 自己或他人.
如果您希望指定一个人在这种情况下接受某些私人心理健康信息, complete the form and indicate if you authorize, or decline to authorize, the disclosure of the information.
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