For current students and graduates of Associate in Applied Science degrees, Associate Degree 护理 and certificate programs who seek a bachelor's degree.
Do you need or desire to continue your academic studies? Consider completing a bachelor’s degree by choosing a path below that bbin信誉网站 has created with our transfer partners. Or if you prefer to complete a transferable Associate in 艺术s or Associate in Science degree, work with your advisor to complete the Illinois IAI公司 General Education Core Curriculum along with your career program requirements.
你是否正在开始你的职业规划, nearing graduation or already in the workforce, BHC can help you further your education and career opportunities.
作为一名考虑转学的职业学生, meet with your current BHC advisor and program faculty as early as possible during your studies at bbin信誉网站.
You’ll make the best use of your time and financial resources with advance planning to streamline course selection and prepare for a smoother transfer.
See how credit requirements differ between career and transfer programs in our 教育路径指南. Notice that the “AAS Transfer Path” typically has more general education courses than those required in your career program.
View the 从职业计划转移规划指南 below to find paths from your BHC career program. 同时访问 探索高校 了解更多关于转学的信息.
Your advisor may recommend course substitutions in your career program to meet a transfer program requirement in communication, 英语, 演讲, 会计, 数学或计算机科学. You will need permission from your BHC faculty chairperson before substituting a course in your career program.
准备好从bbin信誉网站转学. Coordinate the timing of these steps with your BHC advisor.
- 申请转校. This can be done up to a year before the semester you transfer.
- Confirm that approved course substitutions are recorded on your BHC transcript.
- Submit unofficial transcripts to the transfer school for an early evaluation.
- If advisable, register for additional BHC courses that will be applied to the transfer program. Determine if you’re eligible for financial aid from BHC for courses beyond those required for your career program. 完成一个 更改专业/课程 表格可能会被推荐.
申请BHC毕业 从你的职业规划中.
- Various agriculture courses with general education to 农业研究*
* Options in multidisciplinary or production and management. 联系 ISU and BHC 东校区 advisors about transferring from various 农业 AAS degrees.
- Computer Information Technology - IT Support Technician AAS to 计算机科学 & 资讯系统学士
- Computer Information Technology - Network 政府 AAS to 计算机科学 & 资讯系统学士
- Computer Information Technology - Secure Software Development AAS to 计算机科学 & 资讯系统学士
- 网络安全AAS 计算机科学 & 资讯系统学士
- Computer Information Technology - Secure Software Development AAS to Applied Management: Instructional Technology, Training, & 评价废话
- 网络安全AAS 网络安全废话
St. 安布罗斯大学
- 网络安全AAS 网络安全英航
- 幼儿教育 幼儿教育文学士(牌照)
- 幼儿教育 幼儿教育, Competency Based BA (licensure)
- 幼儿教育 基础教育文学士(执照)
- 幼儿教育 幼儿研究文学士(无执照)
For more transfer paths associated with the Early Childhood 访问 Consortium for Equity (ECACE), 请浏览 幼儿教育 项目页面.
- Associate Degree of 护理 – Complete the ADN at bbin信誉网站, 取得注册护士执照, 然后转到 RN到BSN完成程序.
伊利诺斯州立大学 (门诺护理学院)
- 各种联合健康AAS和ADN 医疗保健管理学士
- 各种联合健康AAS和ADN 健康科学学士/学位完成重点
- 护理注册护士到BSN
Saint Francis Medical Center College of 护理
三一护理学院 & 健康科学
- 各种联合健康AAS和ADN 健康科学学士
- 护理注册护士到BSN
- 护理注册护士到BSN
Starting Fall 2024, no applications will be accepted.
- 各种贸易和技术的AAS 运营管理BS
- 农业机械技术 工程 Technology BS with emphasis in Applied Manufacturing Technology
- 汽车维修技术 工程 Technology BS with emphasis in Applied Manufacturing Technology
- 工程技术-所有跟踪AAS到 工程 Technology BS with emphasis in Applied Manufacturing Technology
- 工程技术-所有跟踪AAS到 工业管理 & 应用工程学士
- 工程 Technology – Electrical Track AAS to 电气工程技术学士
- 各种贸易和技术的AAS 技术资源管理学士
- 刑事司法技术 刑事司法
- Applied Management – Equity, Leadership and Mentoring BS
- Applied Management – Public Service Leadership BS
- 顶点的选择 (reduced general education requirements for more than 30 bachelor's degree majors)
St. 安布罗斯大学